All the teachers are volunteers from the church, fully dedicated to the children’s ministry. 

They are DBS checked being released to serve.

We are a fun and God – loving team sharing a common goal to educate and encourage children to build a strong foundation in Jesus Christ.

We come from different fields but hold a wealth of experience in teaching the word of God from the volunteering opportunities we have taken up in the past.

  • To develop well-rounded children who know the word of God; have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, are led by the Holy Spirit and as well recognize and use the gifts that God has given them to fulfil His purpose.
  • To fulfill the Great commission by reaching out to the unreached children with the Good news of Jesus Christ and make disciples.
  • To establish Sunday school media where we can produce Christian films, songs, talk shows and TV programs that reach out to children around the world.
  • To equip, mentor and raise confident leaders who shall occupy influential positions in the 7 mountains that shape society.


At Revival House Sunday School, we believe that God’s word is the source of all wisdom, truth and life. We believe that children who spend time in the Word of God daily, grow in their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, and are able to develop a personal relationship with Him. Through regular bible study, memorization, and meditation of God’s word, they are transformed by the renewing of their minds
(Romans 12:2).

Our mission:

  • To make the word of God alive in every child through bible study and encouraging practical application of God’s word in their daily lives.
  • To lay a strong foundation of Christian values in children from an early age through teachings that are delivered in planned lessons and activities.
  • To nurture every child’s gift in a Godly environment by providing them with opportunities to minister according to the gifts God has given them and to ensure that they reach their full potential.
  • To have fun together and build strong Godly relationships with each other through weekly fellowship and planned activities/events.
  • To make a difference in the lives of the less privileged around the world by giving their time and using their gifts towards relief and community projects